Issue Position: The Bureau of Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

5. -----Section 1: In keeping to America's Commitment To Provide a Fair and Well Regulated Economy, affirming The Right To Life Supportive and Gainful Livelihood Provided to Each Person residing in the jurisdiction of The United States of America, As A Fundamental Right in The Fortress of National Foundation, whether they be classified as U.S. Citizens or otherwise as Legal Alien Status, that a Bureau of Employment is to be henceforth established to be managed under the Supervision and Enforcement Directorship of The U.S. Department of Labor.

Which Bureau of Employment is to be sponsored for in faith to the major funding required for this project by The Issuance of Special Fiat Monetary Full Faith Certificate in Work Barter Arrangement of sound economic measure as required in Special Emergency Contingency Issuance to the offset of any private taxation short-fall occurring to the successful fulfillment of Providing Full Quality Employment Capacity and life supporting care to The Nation's People in criteria in return for The Vital and Necessary Public Services to be rendered in Barter Relief to the behalf of The Nation's Unemployed and Underemployed in Government Responsibility.

This measure is to provide comprehensive sustainable employment assurance guarantee to every unemployed and underemployed person residing here in The United States that is an issue in conscience to be categorically resolved on a permanent basis, in remedy to the longstanding grievance of chronic unemployment to exist occurring to a high percentage of the population involving the primary survival of the population at large that has been left unresolved to date.

These individuals are immediately to be provided with full-time sustaining employment in income based in standard as are currently set for The Employees of The Federal Government under Government General Schedule, or GS, pay scale rates for each category of occupation to exist and for comparable government terms of benefits and working conditions to be met in the providing of Public Works Projects and Government Service Contract Work in every field of government involvement needing additional workforce to optimize effectiveness, in Make Work Contingency of Provision, to be made available on demand to the public regard as needed.

-----Section 2: It is as well resolved, that The National Standard patterning in model based upon The Standards of The Federal Government's General Schedule Wage Rates and Benefits Agreement, henceforth to be known as The Federal Standard, is to apply also in guideline to the broad spectrum of America's Private Sector Workforce concerning a Fair Wage and Benefits Agreement to be rendered for the behalf of all Private Sector Employment. That is henceforth to be designed to be set to The Federal Standard Agreement for parity regarding pay rates and benefits provided to be uniformly standardized as The Nation's Minimum Wage and Benefits Agreement for those categories of jobs based according To The Federal Government's own criteria, as to job classification wage scale rates being based to The General Schedule Wage Agreement for each comparable category of employment, and for Government Established Benefits Arrangement to be equally and uniformly provided to every worker of The United States throughout the private sector. And what is to apply for The Government's Established Code of Ethics concerning appropriate Working Conditions to be patterned accordingly as for; Safety Issues, Overtime Pay, Sick Pay, Personal Leave Time, Maternity Leave, and The Observance of all Government Paid Holidays to be Nationally Standardized to be Honored.

And to note that as The Federal Government Workers Labor Contract is negotiated in the year to year, that any changes made for the Government Workforce in accordance with the economic necessities of the times to the behalf of The Government Service Workers Contract, that such changes will apply as well unilaterally throughout The Private Economy also vigorously applied.

-----Section 3: In emergency measure, the security of all domestic industry employment is to be formidably protected, by outright Legal Restrictions Prohibiting Foreign Trade where necessary and by Rigid Tariff Controls, so as to protect the basic and fundamental right of our Nation's Workforce, To Work, from any unnecessary and unfair foreign rivalry competition to the production and manufacture of U.S. domestic goods and products, which would adversely affect the survival of our domestic industries and corporations and undermine the basic integrity of survival for The U.S. Population of Its Workforce needing such employment to survive. And which is to specify importantly to The Protection of our U.S. Agriculture Agri-Businesses.

-----Section 4: That all Emergency-Relief, Welfare/Workfare Agreement, of temporary relief condition situation on stand-by to full-time employment, as pending full-time employment placement with The Bureau of Jobs, or otherwise for hardship matter or illness occurring of lingering duration, that such employment is also to be based upon The Federal Government's General Schedule Standard, GS, Guidelines of comparable wage scale remuneration for services rendered for comparable work, and to terms of Federal Standard working conditions to be met.

And what is to stipulate also, and in all regards of Government Service Created and Workfare Assigned Employment, that Appropriate Work Job Classification Employment Assigning is to be provided in caring regard to each recipient, befitting of each recipient's character in background, as to; age seniority, education, work history, job training, and skills, for compatible placement.
